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What is Strongman?

Strongman, also known as “strength athletics,” is a sport that has evolved from purely testing raw strength to incorporating modern obstacle-like challenges and functional/athletic-based strength tests. The athletes involved in Strongman are among the strongest and largest individuals in the world, comparable to powerlifters. They need to excel in various lifts and exercises, with the exception of the bench press, which is not part of Strongman events.

Training for Strongman involves heavy lifting while also focusing on endurance and functional fitness. It is a demanding discipline that requires a combination of strength, stamina, and athleticism.

Some of the main events in Strongman competitions include:

  1. Atlas Stones: This event involves lifting and placing large stone spheres onto designated platforms.
  2. Log Clean and Press: Competitors lift a log from the ground to overhead position, showcasing their upper body strength.
  3. Axle Press: Similar to the log clean and press, but performed with an axle bar, adding an extra challenge.
  4. Deadlift: Strongmen demonstrate their exceptional strength by lifting heavy weights from the ground.
  5. Squat: This event measures the competitor’s strength and stability in performing deep squats with heavy loads.
  6. Tire Flip: Participants flip massive tires over a designated distance, testing their full-body strength.
  7. Truck Pulls: Athletes use a harness and rope to pull heavy vehicles, showcasing their pulling power.
  8. Husafell Stone: Competitors carry a large stone in a bear-hug position, testing their grip strength and overall endurance.
  9. Super Yoke: This event involves carrying a heavy frame or yoke on the shoulders for a set distance.
  10. Farmer’s Walk: Competitors carry heavy weights in each hand and walk a specified distance, challenging their grip strength and overall stability.
  11. Loading (sand, kegs, or stones): Strongmen load various objects, such as sandbags, kegs, or stones, onto designated platforms, combining strength and speed.

Being a Strongman or Strongwoman competitor is far from easy, and the sport is gaining popularity. Watching these incredible athletes perform is a captivating spectacle, attracting more people to the sport every year. Social media platforms have helped increase the recognition of top Strongman athletes, providing fans with a glimpse into their training and competitions. Additionally, Strongman events occur throughout the year, giving fans a preview of what to expect from the top competitors.

Key Movements: Here are some typical movements you’ll find in Strongman:


Stones are a prominent and challenging event in Strongman competitions. Atlas stones are the most common type used in elite contests. These events may test pure strength or incorporate functional challenges in an obstacle-like fashion.


The deadlift sets apart the strongest competitors from the rest. If an athlete is not known for their ability to lift heavy weights, they will struggle to stand out. Deadlift events in Strongman can vary, focusing on maximal strength, repetitions, or using an axle setup.


Carry events are often considered the most grueling in Strongman and Strongwoman competitions. Athletes are required to carry heavy loads over a specified distance. The farmer’s carry involves holding weights in each hand, while the super yoke requires carrying the weight on the shoulders, similar to a squat.

Overhead Press

The ability to press heavy weights overhead is highly respected in Strongman. It is the upper body equivalent of the squat. The log press and dumbbell press are the most commonly used lifts in competition, particularly for testing maximal strength.

In summary, Strongman is a sport that combines strength, endurance, and athleticism through various challenging events. It showcases the incredible abilities of some of the strongest and largest athletes in the world, drawing attention and admiration from an ever-growing fan base.